
Demographic consideration-county history-development

1. What is the most important or remarkable demographic consideration about your county’s history and development? Is it its migration trends, its fertility trends, its race/ethnic composition, its age structure, or some combination of these, or some other demographic consideration? Present your best answer using your own knowledge of the demography and social conditions of your county.

2. The theme of this part of the course is “Demography is Destiny.” What is the demographic destiny of your county? What piece of demography is driving and will be driving the destiny of your county, say, for the next 20 to 30 years? If there are several aspects of demography that need to be considered in your answer, you need not be restricted to writing about only one.

3. Assume you have been asked to advise the officials of your county about potential problems and issues of concern in your county. Based on your knowledge, analysis of the demography of your county, and assessment of the demographic destiny of your county, what would you tell them? For example, is there a specific health need in your county, a need for certain types of social services, a need for more schools or fewer schools? What kinds of demographic data, concepts and theories would you tell the county officials about?

4. Following the preceding question, suppose the officials of your county ask you to develop a 12-month program to fix or alleviate the problems or possible problems, and gave you a reasonable budget to do so; what would you do? Tell me about your plan of action.

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Other Subject: Demographic consideration-county history-development
Reference No:- TGS01434073

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