
Demographic attributes of the country population

Assignment: For this project, choose a product that is currently available in the country where I live (USA) and want to market in another country. I need to develop a portion of the strategic marketing plan that includes the following:

Problem 1. Identify the product you have chosen. Briefly describe the country in which you have chosen to market the product and why you selected that country. Consider and describe such things as the country's receptiveness to international trade, opportunities to trade with that country already in place, demographic attributes of the country's population and documented preferences of the consumers.

Problem 2. Explain how you will ensure that your product will be competitive with similar products already marketed in the country. Consider and discuss export restrictions, trade policy, consumer preferences and any aspects of the similar products or the marketing environment which are relevant.

Problem 3. Locate general information about the marketing environment in the country, and determine marketing strategy. Will you use a differentiated product line, or will you offer the exact same product currently marketed in the US? Will you use the same marketing pieces, such as TV, radio, print ad, internet, viral marketing, internet marketing, currently used in the US, or different ones? Why or why not? Explain how these will be similar or different from the current strategies that are being used in your home country and why there are similarities or differences.

Report should contain an abstract, a short introduction, and conclusion in addition to the body of the presentation.

Must include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper.

Please note that if you have a source in your reference section, you need to cite it in the body of the paper and vice-versa, per APA guidelines.


-Define the role of ethics and social responsibility in business.
-Describe the opportunities and challenges of conducting business in other countries.
-Identify and explain leadership styles and managerial skills.
-Discuss the impact of technology on business.
-Use effective communication techniques.
-Recognize situations that present potential ethical and legal issues and develop solutions for those issues.

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Other Management: Demographic attributes of the country population
Reference No:- TGS01992108

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