Democracies are doomed to become oligarchies

Choose one of the authors from the list below and research him. Explore his writings why they are significant and how it has shaped how we think about democracy. Then, two options:

1. Create an argument on a contemporary political issue using the writings of the author you research. The issue can be very specific like (pass the dream act) or general (less social safety net).

2. Create a counterargument to that author’s writings.

Sources: Can include primary or secondary sources but please, no Wikipedia.

Introduction- A strong introduction introduces the central argument of your paper. The purpose of your paper is not to say everything you know about someone. The paper should proffer an argument about an author, and then defend that argument with text, context, and cogent reasoning. You should be able to state your argument in a single sentence.

Argument Examples:

1. Democracies are doomed to become oligarchies. Back it up with reading form Lipset.

2. In order to make the US more democratic, federal immigration policy should encourage rather than discourage immigration. Back it up with readings form Miller.

3. Abortion should be illegal because it violates an unborn child’s personal autonomy. Back it up with Mill.

Text- Include a description of the texts you chose to research. This may include specific works, their essential arguments, and/or their particular meaning to you. It can also include your favorite quotes from the author but do not use quotes as a way to fill space.

Context- No philosopher writes in a vacuum. Provide some information on the context in which you author has written. This may include the time period, the historical pretext, the relevance to contemporary politics, or anything else you find consequential to your author’s writings.

Argument- Use your paper to convince me of something about the author. Remember, your paper should be rhetorical, not descriptive, an argument rather than a summary.

Conclusion – Conclude your paper by reiterating your central argument and findings.

Formatting – 1inch margins and citations.

List of Author Choices:

Mill, Rousseau, Lipset, Przeworski, Mann, Dahl, de Tocqueville, Diamond, Miller, Horowitz, Alchian, Bellah, Jefferson, de Condorcet, Dewey, Truman, Mackie, Waldon.

Issue Ideas – (you don’t have to use any of these but they might help you think of something.)


Affordable care act


Citizens United (USSC decision)

DC statehood


Environment (climate change)

Federal Reserve

Foreign Aid

Foreign Military Involvement

Gum control

Health care


Nuclear weapons

Race relations


Same sex marriage


Tort reform

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Reference No:- TGS01426328

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