
Demand for manpower-hrm

Question 1: It is comparatively simpler to handle a situation of demand for manpower instead of a situation of surplus manpower. Outplacement is employed while dealing with excess manpower. Which of the given is true regarding the outplacement?

i) Two workers are permitted to share the job and the salary.
ii) Workers are terminated since their jobs become redundant.
iii) Surplus employees are given jobs in other organizations.
iv) Employees have the option of coming back to the organization after the leave period.
v) Managers are loaned for a particular period of time to other organizations.

Question 2: Which of the given refers to some highly specialized jobs which have little room for advancement in career terms and it is hard for employees to get promotions, in spite of their career plans in such jobs?

i) Short-term careers.
ii) Low ceiling careers.
iii) Career plateaus.
iv) Dual careers.
v) Long-term careers.

Question 3: The business environment has become much fluid and turbulent in the recent times. In this scenario, it is a much challenging task for HR professionals to attract, mould, develop and retain or retrench valuable human resources.

Which of the given is/are true regarding Quality of Work Life (QWL) as a challenge to HR professionals?

I. It signifies to the extent to which an employee’s work meets his personal needs.
II. It gets better when more and more employees who have some expectations from their work are satisfied.
III. The Japanese, who are staunch supporters of the QWL approach, design work around teams and lay stress on a strong organizational culture.
IV. Although it has a positive impact on organizational performance and it doesn’t help organizations to compete the global marketplace.

i)  Only (III) above.
ii) Both (II) and (III) above.
iii) Both (III) and (IV) above.
iv) (II), (III) and (IV) above.
v) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

Question 4: Stress interviews have become less popular now days as many organizations have come to believe that it is not the best way to assess an employee’s performance under stress. In this regard, which of the given is the objective of a stress interview?

i) Criticize the applicant’s answers and interrupt.
ii) To test the applicants capability to perform and deliver under stress.
iii) To test whether the employee wants to remain in the organization for a long period.
iv) To test the effectiveness of the applicant before his supervisors.
v) To test the physical capability of the applicant.

Question 5: Which of the given approaches to job design redesigned the over specialized jobs to make them more satisfying and rewarding to the employees and encouraged casual interactions with superiors and co-workers, so that the scope for flexibility in job design is more?

i) Engineering approach.
ii) Human relations approach.
iii) Sociotechnical approach.
iv) Job Characteristics approach.
v) Cyclic approach.

Question 6: Which of the given is an integral part of the socialization process as it literally means the socialization of a new employee?

i) Employee performance.
ii) Organizational culture.
iii) Work environment.
iv) Orientation.
v) Organizational stability.

Question 7: As a controller, it is the responsibility of HR department, to make sure the compliance to different laws and regulations which govern the organizational environment. As a controller HR department

i) Initiates the essential organizational development interventions.
ii) Acts as a bridge between the employees and the management.
iii) Plays an active role in developing the values of organization and framing its policies.
iv) Must win the confidence and support of the line function by acting as a boss.
v) Must have sufficient knowledge of different subjects such as technology, sociology and so on.

Question 8: Once the candidate accepts the offer and joins, the organization has to place him/her in the job for which he/she has been chosen. In this regard, an appropriate placement of employee outcomes in which of the following:

I. Low employee turnover.
II. Low absenteeism.
III. Low performance appraisal programs.
IV. Low accident rates.

i) Both (I) and (II) above
ii) Both (II) and (III) above
iii) (I), (II) and (IV) above
iv) (II), (III) and (IV) above
v) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

Question 9: Some factors affect the success or failure of a recruitment program. Which of the given is/are the organizational factors which affect the success or failure of a recruitment program?

I. Reputation of the organization.
II. The condition of the labor market.
III. Culture, social attitudes and beliefs.
IV. Law of the land and the legal implications.

i) Only (I) above.
ii) Only (II) above.
iii) Both (I) and (II) above.
iv) (II), (III) and (IV) above.
v) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

Question 10: A local firm expands its business to other parts of the world in anticipation of raised business and higher profits. When a firm begins international operations, it develops new visions and missions and designs new global strategies of the firm. Which of the given is/are false regarding strategic IHRM?

I. The HR department should be capable to create a work environment which will retain talented employees.
II. The skill to design suitable expatriate compensation programs is more significant than the ability to identify and plan for desired expatriate competencies.
III. Strategic IHRM these days is based on corporate strategy.

i) Only (I) above.
ii) Only (II) above.
iii) Both (I) and (III) above.
iv) Both (II) and (III) above.
v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

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HR Management: Demand for manpower-hrm
Reference No:- TGS03002

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