Choose any One of the topics from the following list:
- Demand and supply of certain resources in Australia and factors other than price which affect demand and supply
Structure of the Essay
- Introduction - which topic 200 words
- Body- Discuss the topic in the article and with some theory -700 words
- Conclusion 100 words
- Reference (Harvard Reference Style)
- More marks for research - choosing a good article on something specific topic from the above list
- There is no need to explain the theory/concepts in the essay on its own
- More marks for application and your comments on the topic
- You need to attach the copy of the articles with your essay. Also attach the safe assignment report with your essay.
- You also need to submit hard copy of your assignment on LVL 6 on FRI by week 4.
- You need to use the following sources for the articles:
-Australian Financial Review
-The Australian
-Sydney Morning Herald
-Some Academic research