
Delineate issues relevant to your companies credit

Hello its me again. I hope this email find you well. I have an assignment due next week. I need a powerpoint presentation of the paper you did for me on Lithia motors and Auto Nation. I would say about 15-20 slides. I also need a summary analysis. The guidelines for the presentation are as follows

1. After stating the company names, summaries the industry history emphasizing your companies role in that industry and the current status of the industry.

2. A summary analysis ( not power point just a one page word document)

3. Delineate issues relevant to your companies' credit worthiness and investment attractiveness by comparing rations for the two companies to each other and to the industry.

4. Use horizontal and vertical analysis to elaborate on issues raised in #3

5. Make conclusions and/or recommendations relevant to creditworthiness (short and long-term) and investment attractiveness (common stock, preferred stock, and or bonds).

6. Presentation should be for 15-25 min.

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Accounting Basics: Delineate issues relevant to your companies credit
Reference No:- TGS02574984

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