
Delegates and its life cycle

Q1. Describe the .net architecture in detail.

Q2. Describe the various type of inheritance which is used in c# with the help of illustration.

Q3. What do you mean by System Collection? Explain why and how it is employed?

Q4. What do you mean by delegates? Describe its lifecycle. Describe the merits of using delegates. What modifier we employed with delegates?

Q5. What do you mean by events? Explain why we use it? Describe its implementation with illustration.

Q6. Describe the term versioning. Explain when we use it? Write down its features?

Q7. Describe the term multithreading. Describe its life cycle. Describe what are the problems related with it.

Q8. What do you mean by exception handling? Explain how it is done in C#? Write down the various types to handle an exception? Write down one illustration.

Q9. Define the term Sockets. Explain how it is implemented in C#?

Q10. What do you mean by ADO.NET? Describe why it is used? Describe the difference between ADO and ADO.net? Write down example.

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DOT NET Programming: Delegates and its life cycle
Reference No:- TGS013789

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