
Del gato clinic deposits all cashreceipts on the day when

Del Gato Clinic deposits all cash receipts on the day when they are received and makes all cashpayments by check. At the close of business on June 30, 2008, itsCash account shows an $15,047, debit balance. Del GatoClinic's June 30 bank statement shows $14,895 on deposit inthe bank on that day. Prepare a bank reconciliation for Del GatoClinic using the following information (Do not use a minussign if your selection is to "Deduct" an item. Omit the "$" sign inyour response):


Outstanding checks as of June 30 total $2,579.


The June 30 bank statement included a $95 debit memorandum forbank services.


Check No. 919, listed with thecanceled checks, was correctly drawn for $589 in payment of autility bill on June 15. Del Gato Clinic mistakenly recorded itwith a debit to Utilities Expense and a credit to Cash in theamount of $598.


The June 30 cash receipts of $2,645were placed in the bank's night depository after bankinghours and were not recorded on the June 30 bank statement.


Bank Reconciliation
June 30, 2008

Bank statement balance



Book balance



Add (6%):

Deposit of June 30 (6%)


Add (6%):

Error on Ck. No. 919 (6%)






Deduct (6%):

Outstanding Checks (6%)


Deduct (6%):

Bank Service Charge (6%)


Adjusted bank balance



Adjusted book balance



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Accounting Basics: Del gato clinic deposits all cashreceipts on the day when
Reference No:- TGS0595933

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