
Definitions of the word art

8 Art/Artist Examples in 8 Genres

Response to the following :

On the Internet, look up and list two or more definitions of the word "art" from different reliable sources. Be sure to properly quote and cite these definitions.

Then search the internet and find one specific example of each of the eight types of art listed below. Your examples should be by established artists and/or from museum collections online. Need the URL for each example, a description of the art and an explanation of why the example you provide exemplifies the definition(s) of the word "art."

1. Painting

2. Sculpture

3. Architecture

4. Photography

5. Printmaking

6. Conceptual Art

7. Installation Art

8. Performance Art

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Definitions of the word art
Reference No:- TGS01938221

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