
definitions of hypermedia it is a term created

Definitions of Hypermedia

  • It is a term created through Ted Nelson in the year 1970. It utilized as a logical extension of the term hypertext, wherein graphics, video, audio, plain, text and hyperlinks intertwine to produce a usually non-linear medium of information. It contrasts along with multimedia that, although often able of random access in terms of the physical medium, is fundamentally linear in nature. The dissimilarity should also be noticed along with hyper-graphics or super-writing that is a Lettrist form from the year 1950s that systemizes creativity across disciplines.

A typical illustration of hypermedia is World Wide Web, while, a movie on a CD or DVD is an illustration of standard multimedia. The dissimilarity between the two can often does blur based on how an exacting technological medium is implemented. The initial hypermedia system was the Aspen Movie Map.


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Computer Graphics: definitions of hypermedia it is a term created
Reference No:- TGS0412932

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