
definitions of classification terminologymost of


Most of the terms with definitions were used for the first time in the first edition of Prolegomena to Library Classification (1937). The definitions, in this section 'have been taken from Ranganathan's Prolegotrena to, Library Classification, 3rd ed. Vol..1. 1967. 1.5.1

Meaning of "Classification":

In popular usage, the term "Classification" is used in two or more senses. In other words, the term 'Classification' is a homonym". To facilitate correct communication, this homonym should be resolved. Classification in Sense 1 


i) "Process of sorting the entities of a universe into sub-aggregates on the basis of a preferred characteristic, or putting like entities into the same sub-aggregate and unlike entities into different sub-aggregates". 

ii) "The result of division in the Sense-1 - that is, a set of sub-aggregates" formed by the division of the entities of a universe. The alternate terms for divisions are classification in Sense I and specification. 

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