Find a 5x5 matrix M>0 such that if a = [αi]4i=0, b = [βi]4i=0 ∈ R5 andx(t)= ∑4k=0 αktk, y(t) = ∑4k=0 βktk then (x,y)v = b'Ma
Can we use this definition to find the adjoint of T (T is given at the end)?
This part is the additional information to solve the question above;
Let V=L2[-1,1] be the Hilbert space of functions over the time interval [-1,1] with inner product
(x,y)v = ∫1-1x(t)y(t)dt
Let P5 ⊂ V be the subspace of polynomials of order 4 or less, endowed with the inner product and norm of V, and let X = {xk(t) = tk}4k=0 ⊂ P5 , be its natural basis. The linear transformation S is defined as
(Sx)(t) = x(t) =d/dt x(t)=d2/dt2x(t)=1.5 ∫1-1r2x(r)dr
T is defined as the restriction of S to P5.
(sx)(t) = x(t)=x(t)=x(t)=1.5 ∫1-1r2x(r)dr = (2a0+a1+13/5 a2+3/7a4)+(a1+2a2+6a3)+t+(a2+3a3+12a4)t2+(a3+4a4)t3+a4t4 ∈ P5
The matrix representation of T is below;