
Definition of the term humanities


Part 1

"Hit Your Mark With Matched Messaging" review the video below and then respond to the questions that follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6WF0O1Mnvk&feature=youtu.be

Develop a brief IMC for the company or product you are working on in your assignments.

First, tell us about your company or product. What is your unique selling proposition? How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors?

Now, think about how to communicate this information using the AIDA principle. Describe your ad and promotion. How would you vary your ad for different media platforms?

How would you vary the schedule to air it for maximum coverage with minimal expense?

Part 2

Participate in an asynchronous discussion by responding to the Seminar Discussion topics and posting your response in the Seminar Discussion Board in the left navigation bar. You are only required to complete the alternate assignment if you are unable to attend the Seminar for that unit. When responding to the Seminar Discussion topics, you will want to provide thorough responses, incorporating 200 to 250 words in your response. You are not expected to respond to classmates for the Seminar Discussion topics.

1. What are the humanities? In your own words, how would you define this concept? For example, if you include the course text definition of the humanities, you must also include your own definition of what the term "humanities" means to you.

2. Critical thinking skills are an important component of everyday life as a human being. What skills could you learn from the humanities that would make you a more effective critical thinker? How might this impact your future and career goals?

Part 3 - Cyberstalking

The completed Reaction Paper should be typed in a double-spaced format with the correct APA citations, formatting and references. The scholarly paper assignment is to be no longer than 2-typed pages in summary format.

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Other Subject: Definition of the term humanities
Reference No:- TGS01865801

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