
Definition of the scope of the project

Discuss the following:

Conclusions and Recommendation


i. Definition of the scope of the project This will be dependent on the project but should describe the overall scope. The scope statement covers broad areas of work to be done. It explains what the client expects to see as a result of the project. It also outlines the physical product or service as well as the deliverables that will result from the objectives.

ii. Identification of the stakeholders in the project detailing the area of involvement This too will vary but includes the project sponsor and is likely to include relevant managers, externally affected parties, staff, customers, suppliers, etc.

iii. Identification and explanation of the issues/limits/constraints for the project Here you should discuss the Impact on operations, costs, budgets and limitations as to what the project does not address could also be included here. Risk aspects should also be covered

iv. Identification and explanation of the assumptions of the project Assumptions may be based on time, cost, resources and scope. For example, costs to achieve a certain outcome in a predetermined timeframe.

v. Specification of initial timelines Key Milestone dates - a network diagram should be drawn.

vi. Representation of task allocations Who is tasked with what? Use project management based concepts to illustrate this. For example, a gantt chart and work break down structure could be used to illustrate this. Prepare a project schedule

vii. Explanation of the relationship of the project to other projects and to the organisation Any co-dependent and prerequisite tasks should be described here.

viii. Estimation and explanation of costs, resources requirements and other relevant factors. Capital costs, budgets and non-financial resourcing should be described.

• Introduction

•PROJECT MANAGEMENT TERM 1 2014 - ASSESSMENT TWO DETAILS Individual Assignment Project Scoping Report You have been asked to manage a project. Your initial task is to scope the project for the project's sponsor. The scoping phase of managing a project is very helpful in effectively, efficiently and successfully completing projects on time, at high quality and within budget. This task requires you to prepare a scoping document together with a detailed scoping report for the project sponsor. You can use a project that you have done or one that you plan to do. If you have never completed a project before you may like to consider the following suggestions: Building a pergola or deck. Develop and implement a marketing campaign Launch a new product Organising a fund raising event for a charity Developing a garden area A major move for your office to another building Installing new equipment (eg: self-serve checkout at a supermarket) Ideally, your project should be based on an actual project; it could be in the workplace or at home. You should see your lecturer with your ideas during consultation prior to commencing. Required:- a) Prepare a scoping document for the project - use the template provided as a guide. b) Prepare a detailed scoping report for the sponsor. The report should include a clear introduction, body and conclusion. Topics to be included in the Project Scoping Report together with what areas you should consider are provided below. c) Report should be no more than 2,000 words. This is an individual task. Due 18:00 on 6 June 2014. A penalty of 10% of the available mark will be applied for each day the assessment is late. If the assessment is more than one week late without acceptable reason or prior approval, your work will not be marked and you will receive a zero for this assessment. Submission Format: 2.5cm margins, left, right, top and bottom 12pt Arial or Times Roman Font 1.5 line spacing Part A - Project Scoping Document You should use the following template in this section to complete the scoping document and use your chosen project to complete the detail. Project Scope Project Information (Please complete all) Project Sponsor This is the individual who represents the ownership of the project Project Name Provide a logical name here eg: Bathroom Renovation OR Marketing Promotions Event Sponsoring Department/Client Usually the senior or main stakeholder in an organisation - their stake is to ensure oversight and accountability of the project implementation. Eg: The marketing department engages to implement some aspect of a new service concept. The marketing department in the Sponsor here. Project Leader Who will have overall responsibility of the project implementation - this is not the sponsor. Eg: The Project Manager in the IT department. Scope the project Here you should mention overall goals, resources, budget limitations and schedule Description of the project Identify the strategic objectives at which relate to this project You need to describe the high level objectives here and how they relate to other organisational activities. A bathroom renovation might be part of a broader remodelling of a property - the objective being to improve its value and profit upon eventual sale. Identify the main target audience This is generally the stakeholder(s) that will benefit the most from the project being completed. Eg: the family who have a new bathroom OR a Target Segment of an Organisation's customer base. What are the intended outcomes/deliverables of the project? Mention here key milestones eg: relocation of shower, new vanity, etc What are the particular aspects of the project? This might include how this project fits in with other aspects of the organisation's activities. eg; Promotions Event is part of a broader marketing program. Other comments Top level comments not included elsewhere that you believe are relevant. Proposed project timeline Dates/Time Notes Project lifespan: include dates or total time required for completion These are fundament aspects of the project life cycle. Provide top level comments where relevant Phase 1: Scoping and feasibility Phase 2: Planning Phase 3: Implementation Phase 4: Evaluation Proposed budget List key milestones eg: removal of old bathroom, plumber, electrician, etc and provide reasonable estimates of costs. Detail proposed budget or financial constraints for the project. Item 1 $ 0 Item 2 $ 0 Item 3 $ 0 Item 4 $ 0 Item 5 $ 0 Total of proposed budget $ 0 Scope signoff This scope has been approved by: Project Sponsor Department: Date_____/_____/_____ Part B - Project Report The detailed scoping report should include the following headings and relate to the information you have provided in the Scoping Document: You should follow the following report writing methodology.

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Project Management: Definition of the scope of the project
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