Topic: Development of a single-payer national health insurance program in the US.
I. Introduction
a. Definition of single-payer national health insurance program
b. Pros and Cons of single-payer health insurance
c. Answer thesis question: What might be the effects of a single-payer healthcare system in the United States?
II. Economic costs to the country
a. How much money will the US lose or gain
b. Will this affect people that get government assisted healthcare
c. Will this affect the pay for doctors and nurses
III. Number of citizens affected
a. How will this affect the lower, middle and upper class
IV. How this problem affects relations within the states and outside the country
V. Political theory supporting the advance of policy in this area
a. Do politicians support or don't support single-pay healthcare
VI. Societal attitudes and response to the issue
a. How does society feel about single-pay healthcare
VII. Conclusion
VIII. References