
Definition of marketnbsp- definition of marketing and

Words Limit: 5000

Task 1 - must be referred to a 'hard selling' method used bar cad dealers and the examples must be from a car company!

- definition of market
- definition of marketing and referenced
- enumerate elements of marketing: marketing as management process, satisfying customer needs and wants, identifying and anticipates customer requirements, fulfil customer requirements profitably, marketing audit, integrated marketing, relationship marketing, swot analysis.
- apply to case study 4 elements and give examples

- introduction about business orientation
- list the different types of business orientation: production, product(goods), sales and marketing orientation, and talk shortly about each one
- definition about marketing orientation and referenced
- apply to the case scenario talking about costs (disadvantages) and benefits (advantages) with reference to ethical aspect of marketing orientation
- conclusion

task 2 - any industry or company to choose and must be addressed from the point of view of a new advisor in a marketing team of the company

- differentiate between micro (internal) and macro (external)
- enumerate the tools use Eg SWOT, Porter's 5 forces, PESTEL and explain
- apply to case study and explain one for each factor: SWOT for micro, and PESTEL (only4) for macro
- definition of segmentation and referenced
- enumerate types of segmentation: geographic, demographic, geo-demographic, psycho-graphic, behaviour, multivariable
- choose 3 and apply to case study and give examples, pointing the advantages and disadvantages
- conclusion
- definition of targeting and referenced
- choose the appropriate strategy (concentrated, differentiated, undifferentiated, individualized ) for case study, show advantages and disadvantages whit examples
- definition of consumer behaviour
- enumerate buying situation: socio-cultural, personality, technological, learning, motivation, attitude
- choose 4 and apply to case study (examples)
- define positioning and referenced
- choose a product and demonstrate how the organization changed its the position in the market

Task 3 - must be about a bank and its financial services/products

- definition of product in marketing and referenced
- what kind of products is selling a bank
- discuss 1 or 2 products in comparison with products from another bank
- define place and referenced
- importance of the place
- identify the marketing channels (bank branch,online) used by a bank and the advantages and disadvantages
- define price and referenced
- why price is important
- factors that affect price : cost, company objectives policies, customer demand, competitors
- price strategy used by bank : skimming or penetration
- define promotion and referenced
- why promotion is important
- how a bank is promoting itself and how it measure customer feedback
- what are the extended marketing mix elements and talk about each one and apply with examples to the bank situation

task 4 - 

4.1 - about business to consumer
- segmentation of the consumer market upon characteristics and behaviour
- choose 2 consumer segments (Eg. men- women; big city - country side etc) of Vodafone and apply the marketing mix plan: products, place, price, promotion with examples
4.2 - about business to business
- market segmentation for business
- market variables for business
- buyer approaches
- examples


- define domestic and international marketing and referenced
- why Vodafone does international marketing
- differences between domestic and international marketing

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Essay Writing: Definition of marketnbsp- definition of marketing and
Reference No:- TGS02194019

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