
Definition of equipment monitoring


Question 1. Which one of the following is the correct definition of equipment monitoring?
a.    Managing the day to day work using equipment maintenance procedures and work management systems.
b.    Managing the reliability of mechanical, electrical, process, and instrumentation equipment.
c.    Understanding the impact that equipment has on other equipment and the overall plant.
d.    Using diagnostic tools such as vibration to monitor the health of plant equipment.

Question 2. For a system of two parallel CFR components with component MTTF = 900 hours and common-mode CFR of 0.00001, find the system reliability at 1100 hours. Please round your answer to 3 decimals.

Question 3. Consider a system with two parallel and identical components with CFR of 0.000353. Assume a common-mode CFR of 0.00001 in addition to the components’ independent rates. Find the MTTF. Round your answer to the nearest integer.

Question 4. A system has two identical components in parallel with CFR of λ. A system reliability of Rs (1000) =0.95 is desired.  What should the component MTTF be? Please round your answer to the nearest integer.

Question 5. Consider a system with two parallel and identical components with CFR of 0.000353. Assume a common-mode CFR of 0.00001 in addition to the components’ independent rates. Find RS(1000). Please round your answer to 3 decimals.

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Mechanical Engineering: Definition of equipment monitoring
Reference No:- TGS01895914

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