
Definition and explanation of your selected pollution topic

Question: There are various types of water pollution. Water pollution occurs when contaminants enter a water body and the water body becomes impacted; farms, industries, and even homes can be a source of pollution.

Select 1 topic from the following list:

Acid rain
Salt water intrusion

Discuss the following in regard to your chosen topic:

Definition and explanation of your selected pollution topic
Causes and sources of this pollution
Impacts from the pollution issue both on the natural environment and ecosystems and on human populations
Recommended solutions to mitigate the problem

Include a minimum of 1 reference to reinforce your thoughts. Cite this source both in the text of your discussion and include at the end of your reference list.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Definition and explanation of your selected pollution topic
Reference No:- TGS01069434

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