
Definition and difference-ethical and unethical advertising

Compleet the assignment:

The topic is: unethical advertising.

The Research Paper should meet the following requirements:

Include an original thesis statement

Be at least five pages in length (not including the title page and references page) ten references

APA style formatting

Research Outline

Unethical Advertising in Business

The researcher will employ secondary research analysis and analysis of case studies to research the thesis statement of this research topic.
Thesis statement: Most product advertisements are unethicalbecause they present false claims about products or services, exploiting people's deep-seated emotions and creating artificial needs through appeals to lust, greed, and other human weakness.

I. Introduction

• Definition and difference: Ethical and unethical advertising

Ethical advertising is truthful and non-deceptive; and claims backed with evidence; and fair. On the other hand, unethical advertising involves false claims about a product or service (Treise, Weigold, Conna, & Garrison, 1994).

II. Characteristics of unethical adverts

• Vulgar/Obscene in seeking for customer attention

• Present misleading and deceptive information

• They are stereotypical.

• They involve controversial products like alcohol and gambling (Friedman, Lewis, &Fireworker, 2000).

III. Impacts of unethical advertising.

On women:

• Pursuance of unhealthy and unrealistic body image such as excessive thinness.

• Ageism due to the pressure to look younger as one ages.

• Fantasies and dangerous impression of unattainable lifestyles.

• Over-expenditure and impulse buying of products (Henderson-King& Henderson-King, 1997).

On Children:

• Use of children even in ads that are not at all child products.

• Consumption and purchase of products that are not meant for children.

• Unconscious/conscious emulation of unhealthy behavior like smoking and drinking.

• Engagement in dangerous and unrealistic stunts in attempt to emulate those in ads.

• Over-expenditure and impulse buying of products (Villani, 2001).
IV. Recommendations to Curb Unethical Advertising

• Companies should familiarize themselves with ethical frameworks such as the Garrett's Proportionality Framework.

• Managers and staff must be educated on code of ethics and the value of ethics.

• Relevant bodies like IMA should set age limits for ad targeting. As American Psychological Association suggests, ads targeted to children under eight are unethical and potentially detrimental.

• Companies should put up ads that create awareness and enhance the public morality and standardsof living(Constantin, Prava?, & Florin-Alexandru, 2015).

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Other Subject: Definition and difference-ethical and unethical advertising
Reference No:- TGS01807493

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