
Definingand understanding the elements of a group culture

Definingand understanding the elements of a group culture is essential to forging aprofessional identity either online or in person. These elements are importantbecause they reflect how professionals interact, whether online or in person.

Anindustrial or workplace culture consists of different occupations, roles andstatuses. A hospital is an excellent example of a number of people working inclose proximity representing different occupational groups. Patients, nurses,health care specialists, surgeons, administrators, security, and support staffgroups all function together but may be identified by their equipment,behaviors and language, and the tools and training used to get their workcompleted.

Inthis Assignment, you will write a descriptive report about the industry cultureof a group of people within the workplace, preferably your career fieldindustry culture. Please note that this focus should not be on racial or ethniccultures.

Assignment Instructions

Searchusing individual internet research and complete an essay (in at least 250words), that investigates a cultural group in your desired field. Describe whatthe industry group is like in your own words with support from any outsidesource information you have found. Be sure to cite and reference in APA formatany outside sources you have used.

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Management Theories: Definingand understanding the elements of a group culture
Reference No:- TGS01113044

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