
Defining the standard basis vectors


A linear mapping T: R3 → R2 is defined on the standard basis vectors via:

T (e1) = (0, 0),             T (e2) = (1, 1),              T (e3) = (1, -1)

i. Calculate T(4,-1,3)

ii. Find the dimension of the range of T and the dimension of the kernel of T.

iii. Find the matrix representation of T relative to the standard bases in R3, R2.

iv. Find bases {v1, v2, v3} for R3 and {w1, w2} for R2 with respect to which T has diagonal matrix representation.

Please provide a detailed solution to all parts of the above question.

Also, please give a little background theory regarding part 4 or at least a definition for diagonal matrix representation.

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Mathematics: Defining the standard basis vectors
Reference No:- TGS01921213

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