Your state has a forthcoming referendum concerning no smoking in public places including bars and restaurants.
Follow the ten steps on page 137 on negotiation planning. {300+ words}
You must have two academic peer-reviewed articles for references.
What is the first step in the planning process
defining the GOAL
Step 2
defining the MAJOR issue related to achieving that goal (WHAT WE WANT)
step 3
assemble issues, rank by importance and figure out the bargaining mix (are the issues linked or separate)
step 4
Define the interests (WHY WE WANT IT)
step 5
Know your alternatives (B.A.T.N.A)
Step 6
Know your limits, including a resistance point
Step 7
Analyze and understand the other party's goals, issues and RP
Step 8
setting target and opening bids
What is a target point
where you realistically expect to achieve a settlement
should be specific, difficult but achievable but verifiable
what is opening bid
represents the best deal one can hope to achieve
Step 9
Assessing the social context
what are constituents
the other people that a negotiator s bargaining on behalf of.. constituents control negotiators by limiting how much they can decide on their own
Step 10
present issue to other party