
Defining covalent bond-bravais lattice-bragg law

Question1) When diffusion occurs by motion of vacancies there is:

a) a close-packed structure
b) a flux of atoms moving in the opposite direction
c) a flux of smaller atoms moving in the vacant spaces between larger atoms
d) an equal concentration of atomic species throughout the sample

Question2) The bond–energy curve can be used to gain information about three of the four following materials properties. Which type of information cannot be determined from the bond-energy curve?

a) Bond energy
b) Equilibrium separation distance
c) Primary bond type
d) Vaporization temperature

Question3) Briefly explain the following terms:

(Provide a small sketch, graph or equation if this helps with the definition)

a) Covalent Bond

b) Bravais Lattice

c) Dislocation

d) Interstitial Defects

e) Grain Boundary

f) Bragg’s Law

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Chemistry: Defining covalent bond-bravais lattice-bragg law
Reference No:- TGS03928

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