
Defining and measuring the quality of relationships

Complete the mcq:

1. In Vertical Dyadic Linkage Theory, leaders mostly use reward, as well as legitimate and coercive power, to influence __________.

a. in-group members
b. out-group members
c. effective followers
d. pragmatic followers

2. To build a real team, the leader should __________.

a. make sure everyone is competent
b. use the in-group to help
c. form a relationship with each member
d. know follower expectations

3. The most commonly used instrument for defining and measuring the quality of relationships is the ___________.

a. Myers-Briggs scale
b. personality profile
c. LMX-7 scale
d. VDL instrument

4. The ___________ follower is someone who is high on involvement but low on critical thinking.

a. alienated
b. conformist
c. passive
d. pragmatic
5. Because one of your employees, Angela, functions well in self-managed teams, likes to initiate change, and is willing to put herself at risk

for the best interest of the organization, she is a(n) ___________ follower.

a. passive
b. effective
c. alienated
d. conformist

6. Which of the following is a determinant of follower influence?

a. relative power position
b. locus of control
c. education and experience
d. All of the above.

7. Which of the following has resulted from the higher educational level of the workenvironment?
a. an increasing proportion of workers in out-groups
b. a preference for a more decentralized, participative style of management
c. more employees with an external locus of control
d. a decreasing need for delegation

8. Which of the following should NOT be delegated?

a. technical matters
b. routine tasks
c. employees' problems for training purposes
d. performance appraisals
e. a, b and c

9. Which of the following statements regarding groups and teams is TRUE?

a. Group members have shared responsibilities.
b. The leadership style in a team tends to be very hierarchical.
c. Groups focus on individual performance and goals.
d. A team is characterized by a mentality of "what's in it for me?"

10. Which of the following is NOT one of the components of team effectiveness?

a. knowledge management
b. individual satisfaction
c. group process
d. task performance

11. Team cohesion is increased when __________.

a. team members agree on a common purpose and direction
b. external parties give high praise and recognition for the team's success
c. the organization encourages and motivates teams to compete with each other for rewards
d. All of the above.

12. Team leader activities that can help to enhance team creativity include all the following EXCEPT:

a. matching people with the right assignments.
b. ensuring the availability of adequate time, money, and other resources for the team.
c. protecting against "creativity blockers."
d. functional fixedness.

13. ___________ teams are relatively autonomous teams whose members share or rotate leadership responsibilities and hold themselves mutually responsible for a set of performance goals assigned by higher management.

a. Functional
b. Cross-functional
c. Virtual
d. Self-managed

14. A disadvantage of team-centered decision making is that it can ___________.
a. be self-serving and contrary to the best interests of the organization

b. end up being a poor compromise rather than an optimal solution
c. take longer than decisions made alone by a manager
d. All of the above.

15. The part of a meeting that covers agenda items __________.

a. should be the shortest part of the meeting
b. need not be recorded in the minutes, as the agenda is already published
c. dispenses with Robert's Rules to save time and encourage creativity
d. should allow for some flexibility of time

16. In a self-managed team, __________.

a. a leader provides the team with direction and maintains control over work-related issues
b. individual accountability is a significant responsibility
c. members develop specialized skills
d. members take responsibility for outlining how they will achieve the team's objectives

17. Which of the following is true of charisma?

a. It has been called "a fire that ignites followers."
b. It is relational in nature.
c. It is found solely in the leader as a psychological phenomenon.
d. It is a social relationship between the leader and the follower.

18. Which of the following is NOT a quality of charismatic leaders?

a. high risk orientation
b. minimum internal conflict
c. emotional power base
d. self-promoting personality

19. Research suggests that leaders can enhance their charismatic qualities by __________.

a. developing skills to create a vision
b. taking greater risks
c. developing an optimistic and energetic personality
d. All of the above.

20. Vision is the __________.

a. ability to imagine different and better conditions
b. ways to achieve the different and better conditions
c. rallying cry of a movement or cause
d. All of the above.

21. Charisma is __________.

a. found in all transformational leaders
b. totally, situationally determined
c. relational in nature
d. a psychological phenomenon

22. Leadership that empowers followers to make decisions and have control over their jobs is called ___________.

a. servant leadership
b. followership
c. stewardship
d. None of the above.

23. The biggest difference between servant leadership and stewardship is that __________.

a. servant leadership calls for the highest level of selflessness
b. servant leaders lead from positions of moral influence
c. stewardship is more follower-centered
d. None of the above.

24. The absence of which of the following principles make stewardship inoperable?

a. reward assumption
b. strong teamwork orientation
c. service over self-interest
d. decentralized decision making and power

25. Which of the following is true about stewardship and servant leadership?

a. They place the focus on serving instead of leading.
b. They are related to charismatic and transformational leadership because they emphasize empowerment of followers or accomplish organizational goals.
c. They believe that leadership has more to do with placing others' needs above the needs of the leader.
d. All of the above.

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Other Subject: Defining and measuring the quality of relationships
Reference No:- TGS01851923

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