
Defining american

Overview: The portfolio assignment is meant to provide a summary of the key ideas and challenges associated with American Exceptionalism. From each module of the class, you will be asked to summarize key ideas and solutions to challenges facing America and American Exceptionalism.

· Structure: Each section and subsection of your portfolio should begin with a heading and a brief introduction of no more than one paragraph, followed by bullet points with sub-bullet points wherever necessary to expand upon an idea. Use quotations but not excessively; most of your bullet points should be paraphrased summations of your research or your own analysis.

This is a bullet-point paper, not an essay. If you write this as an essay, you will not be able to cover the breadth of material desired, and you will lose points for not formatting your portfolio properly.

o Section 1: Defining American Exceptionalism - Based on your research and assignments throughout the summarize, summarize the definition and essential components of American Exceptionalism.

o Section 2: Discussing the importance of American Exceptionalism - Describe the role of American Exceptionalism in maintaining the culture and character of our nation.

o Section 3: American Exceptionalism: Challenges and Solutions - After a brief introduction, describe how American Exceptionalism is affected by each of these issues/challenges, and what solutions are available to overcome these challenges and preserve the exceptional nature of America.

Faith and political action - What did the founders intend with regard to faith and public engagement? What has changed to threaten our ability to exercise our faith in the public square? What is to be done about it?

Education - How has our education system changed from its original purpose, and how do those changes put American Exceptionalism at risk? How do we reverse the decline in educational excellence?

Social issues - What "hot-button" social issues threaten our cohesion as a nation? What do we do to resolve them while still retaining our unity and diversity?

Racism - How has racism, past and present, threatened the image of America as exceptional? What must be done to bring racial reconciliation to our nation?

Foreign policy issues - How has America's foreign policy affected its global status as an exceptional actor on the world stage? What must America do to restore its credibility as a leader of the free world?

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Reference No:- TGS01190570

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