
Defined strategies for

A case study for class HSA 4180 at UCF- Using the information provided in the textbook, other readings and learning module information, as well as any outside sources (Journals, Internet, etc.), develop a strategic plan for a health services organization of your choosing (i.e. hospital department, long term care facility, non-profit health organization, medical group practice, assisted living facility, etc.) If you are currently working in the health care field, you may use your workplace to develop your plan, but you may NOT just give the organization's strategic plan. This must be original work. The strategic plan may be for a real or imaginary organization, it may be a for-profit or not-for-profit, government owned, or commercial organization. Use the tools of planning, critical thinking, and presentation. A good effort here will help you with a later assignment. Make sure to include, at a minimum, the following in your strategic plan:

3.Values/guiding principals
4.External (environmental) assessment/competition/community assessment
5.Internal assessment (SWOT analysis)
6.Goals- long term and short term
7.Action steps; Defined strategies for goal-reaching
8.Expected outcomes>>> in measurable metrics>> remember if you can't measure it you will have no idea when you succeed or if you need to alter course. Also remember a metric is some measure divided by some other measure so that you can see change. So your outcomes must be in numbers or % that show change. You should think of the PDCA model.

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Business Management: Defined strategies for
Reference No:- TGS0921329

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