
Define your therapeutic approach or basis for working


A. How will you maintain and continue to improve your professional competencies? You must first assess where you are at currently and what is your goal for the future.

B. Define your clinical/therapeutic approach or basis for working with others? How do you plan on increasing your competencies are the approaches?

C. Investment in the recovery of others is a delicate balance. How do you plan on maintaining your energies in this field?

D. Confidentiality is key to good treatment. How are you going to ensure an individual's confidentiality while living in such a rural state?

E. How are you going to address working with a person that distrust?

F. Video conference has changed our approach to direct contact. Address your thoughts both positive and negative about this change as a result of CoVid 19.

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Other Subject: Define your therapeutic approach or basis for working
Reference No:- TGS03350324

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