The learning materials focus on the brain's role in learning--with particular emphasis on advances in neuroscience, the development of the MRI and brain CAT scans, and emerging research they have yielded about learning, and the links between the heart-brain connection. Neuroscientific research helps us better understand how learning shifts as we age and this is particularly important as we consider the demands of and opportunities for learning in the workplace.
Integrating concepts and/or examples from our learning materials, respond to the following question:
Define what Mary Helen Immordino-Yang means by "embodied brains"/"social minds" TED Talk TEDxManhattanBeach - Mary Helen Immordino-Yang - Embodied Brains, Social Minds. What does the notion that our brains are 'embodied' and our minds are 'social' mean for learning in general and with respect to work and our organizations in particular?