
Define what is reserve currency


I. When AND where (city AND state) did the Bretton Woods Conference take place?

II. Insert a thumbprint image of the conference center/hotel you found for Q. II. Include source.

III. Define: What is "agio?" (Give definition only as it relates to foreign currency.)

IV. Which organization in the above table established the USD (US Dollar) as the measurement base for agio?

V. Define: What is "reserve currency?" What is the purpose of it, esp. as it relates to agio?

VI. Define: What is "fiat currency?"

VII. Locate an article about the End of the Bretton Woods Era. Put the url and date of article here:

VIII. Who coined the term "Third World," AND when AND where (what country was the author from)?

IX. Who coined the term "Cold War" and popularized the term "Third World" in the US? (NOT the same answer as VII.)

X. If there was a Third World, that implied what? Who was who in that answer? (This is the 1952 description, so research article from Q. VIII. NOT current definitions.)

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History: Define what is reserve currency
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