
Define what constitutes an ethical dilemma using the steps

Answer 4 out of the 6 following questions in their entirety. Although quality is more important than quantity, your total response for all questions should not be less than 3 1/2 pages. Double space and 12 point font. I highly suggest either visiting the writing center or have someone who you consider to be an exceptional writer revise your paper and then make corrections before submitting. You paper will be graded on content as well as overall quality of writing.

1. Define what constitutes an ethical dilemma. Using the steps outlined in the chapter, how would you respond to the following scenario?

A probation officer is in the common area of the office. As she approaches the office secretary to ask about a court date, she sees case files open and being edited on the secretary's computer. She saw on the news that morning that the probationer was arrested for a violent offense. She knows that it is against office policy for anyone other than the probation officer to edit case files. She also knows that it won't be long before people start asking questions about the quality of probation supervision that allowed the probationer to commit such a heinous offense.

2. The Discussion Case highlights legislative changes regarding wearing traditional Muslim clothing in public schools in France and other European countries. How would you have handled this situation from a cultural relativist perspective? How about from an ethical absolutist perspective? How would natural law say the situation should be addressed?

3. Describe the pros and cons of allowing law enforcement officers such wide discretion.

4. Describe how it is that in the U.S., over the past 25 years, police values have basically remained unchanged

5. Read Case Study Given the "costs" of the wrongful conviction, should the prosecutor have received a harsher penalty than a written admonition? What would you have done? Read A Closer Look (p. 109). You are the ultimate decision maker in this case. What do you decide? Why did you decide that way?

6. How much punishment must we hand out in order for it to have a deterrent effect on crime? How much would Beccaria say is needed? Would Bentham agree? What is your personal opinion? Defend your answer.

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Reference No:- TGS01074754

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