Define the variables in regressions


Be sure to include the following in your paper:

1. Write a short paragraph on the topic, citing references as appropriate and including a references or works cited page at the end. (Use MLA format or another appropriate format.)

2. Show your Stata regression results** and define the variables in your regressions.

3. What type of data set you have (time series, cross-sectional, or another type)? If cross-sectional, what is your unit of observation? If time series, what is the time period and frequency (monthly, annually, etc)?

4. For your regression(s), answer the following:

a) A priori, what did you expect the signs of the coefficients on your independent variables to be before running the regressions? Why? Did your results come out as expected?

b) What does your equation look like, to four decimal places? What is your dependent variable, and what are your independent variables?

Justify your choice of dependent and independent variables.

c) Carefully interpret all of your coefficients.

d) What is your value for r-squared? In words, what does this value mean? What is your value for adjusted r-squared?

e) What are the t values of the coefficients? What are the critical t-values equal to? (Carefully state what degrees of freedom actually are and also the degrees of freedom used from the tables, if different.) What can you conclude about the statistical significance of the coefficients at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels?

f) What are the p-values? Are the coefficients statistically significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels? Explain.

g) What do your confidence intervals say about the statistical significance of the coefficients at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels?

h) Are your coefficients jointly significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels? Why? (In answering, be sure to state the actual and critical F statistics.)

5. How could your model have been improved? If you had to choose an OLS assumption that might have been violated, which do you think it might be? (You must choose one. You will receive no credit if you write, "No assumption has been violated.") Justify your answer.

6. Run an additional regression with a different functional form by generating at least one modified variable and show the summary output. Please specify which functional form your model has (double-log, log-lin, lin-log, polynomial, etc)

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Microeconomics: Define the variables in regressions
Reference No:- TGS02068785

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