
define the uses of intranetintranet can largely

Define the uses of Intranet

Intranet can largely eliminate paper-based documents, which otherwise become outdated over passage of time. Increased communication will also lead to tremendous reduction in expenditure for numerous publishing services such as creating, printing, and distributing information for internal use. Besides these benefits, Web and conferencing technologies can be easily provided to improve synergy amongst the employees; still further, collaboration can be enhanced by use of internal newsgroups and mailing lists. Information posted to the newsgroups and distributed via mailing lists can be made available to selected groups within the organisation and archived as a repository of information.

Using Internet technologies on an Intranet means that organisations can deploy integrated applications that connect public and private networks using the same applications and data. Hence, straightaway standardisation of activities or processes will find its place. It could be possible that all users have to use the same standard process that may lead to loss of freedom and lack of application of creative minds of individuals.

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Computer Networking: define the uses of intranetintranet can largely
Reference No:- TGS0356819

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