
Define the underlined terms in each case study

Problem: Define the underlined terms in each case study. An 8-mo-old F DSH was presented to the clinic for routine surgery. The cat was given an IV drug to sedate it so that an endotracheal tube could be placed. The endotracheal tube (ET tube) (Figure 9-20) would serve as a delivery route for inhalant anesthesia. Upon attempts to intubate the cat, the larynx started to swell and spasm because of trauma. The cat had inspiratory dyspnea, a severe cough, cyanotic mucous membranes, and an elevated pulse rate. The diagnosis of laryngeal spasm was made. A drug (lidocaine) was placed in the laryngeal area to control the spasms, and endotracheal intubation was again attempted. After a few attempts, the ET tube was inserted, and the cat's breathing and mucous membrane color improved. If the ET tube could not have been placed, a tracheotomy would have been performed. 1. endotracheal tube 2. intubate 3. inspiratory dyspnea 4. cough 5. cyanotic 6. diagnosis 7. laryngeal spasm 8. tracheotomy


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Other Subject: Define the underlined terms in each case study
Reference No:- TGS03393050

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