1. What question do virtue theorists such as Hursthouse ask? Do they care about any other issues?
2. According to Warren, the morality of abortion depends upon two issues,. What are they?
3. What are Warren's elements of personhood? Define each one.
4. How does Marquis' theory handle both the question of abortion and the question of euthanasia?
5. What is ontology and what is metaphysics? How are they different?
6. What is the difference between a necessary condition and a sufficient one?
7. What are the different fallacies? Be able to tell them apart and apply them.
8. What is the theory of mind-brain identity?
9. Define the theory of property dualism.
10. What couldn't Descartes explain?
11. What is functionalism?
12. What are emergent properties?
13. What is a neural network?
14. What are the parts of a neural network and how do they work?
15. What acts would not be free, according to Stace?
16. What is Stace's definition of a free act?
17. What properties does an act have to have in order to be free?
18. Define soft compatibilism.
19. Explain the example that D'Holbach gives of poisoned water.
20. Describe William James' criticism of determinists -- people who believe that human behaviors are determined from before the birth of a child by forces external to the child.
21. What was the point of James' example of the Brockton murder?
22. "Knowing what it's like," according to Lewis, is like a smart _______ ______ (2 words) and a pattern-recognizing device.
23. Nagel argues that if you had the right sensory apparatus, you could see and think like a bat.
24. What are Qualia? Define.
25. Please explain what reductionism and phenomenology are in Nagel's article, "What is it Like to be a Bat?"
26. What is the difference between identity theory and eliminitivism?
27. What is Searle's Chinese Room argument?
28. Define semantics.