
Define the term sterile


Review Questions: Answer the following questions as you read/review the chapter materials. Make your answers short and concise, get to the point.

1. List and define the Five I's. What does each step entails?

2. Define the term sterile and explain why sterile instruments and media are necessary to be used in the laboratory.

3. Streak plate allows microbiologist to isolate one species of bacteria from another. Why is that important?

4. Define three physical states of media and explain when each is useful.

5. What is the difference between selective and differential media?Give one example of each.

6. What is the difference between defined media and complex media?

7. List and define the three properties of properly working microscope.

8. Why is oil immersion necessary to see bacteria in the laboratory?

9. What is the difference between simple and differential stains? Give an example of a differential stain.

10. List 6 common bacterial shapes.

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Biology: Define the term sterile
Reference No:- TGS03157405

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