
Define the term and describe its relevance and usage in

Assignment 2: LASA 2: Kenne Jarson Laboratories: Phase 2

This assignment builds upon LASA 1. Please review the initial scenario and company background provided in LASA 1.

You will complete phase 2 of the web application portal project for Kenne Jarson Laboratories.

In a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes, you will provide security recommendations that describe the authentication, access control, and encryption or cryptography utilized to ensure security of confidential information.

Tasks: 1. Security Control Overview: The first 7-8 slides will introduce and describe the importance of security controls and mechanism for the new web application portal. In particular, the following items should be covered:

• Authentication: Define the term and describe its relevance and usage in maintaining security in a web application portal.

• Access Control: Describe the term and explain how access control will be provided or limited for those using the web application portal.

• Cryptography and Encryption: The web application portal will share confidential and highly sensitive information between the company and its wholesalers or distributors. Describe how cryptography and encryption can help provide secure communications.

2. Security Comparison of Authentication Technologies: The next 3-4 slides should describe various authentication tools or technologies that can be used in an online or a web setting to authenticate users. Provide a recommendation, along with a justification, for your selection that aligns with the requirements of the organization.

3. Access Control Plan: You should include 3-4 slides on how user access control will be maintained for the web application portal. Suggest potential security groupings and techniques to maintain user access control.

4. Cryptography and Encryption: The final 5-6 slides should discuss the security measures that will be used to ensure secure communications between the company's web application portal and that of its partners or distributors. Describe what cryptography and encryption schemes should be used to secure the web application portal.

Submission Details: • Save the presentation as M5_A2_Lastname_Firstname.ppt.

• By the due date assigned, submit your presentation to the Submissions Area.

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Computer Engineering: Define the term and describe its relevance and usage in
Reference No:- TGS02808024

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