
Define the term ambidextrous organization


1. Choose ONE of the following discussion question options to respond to:

Zappos: From Happiness to Holacracy

• Why is Zappos experiencing significant implementation problems with holacracy? What else could Zappos do to help implement the new structure more effectively?

Ambidextrous Behavior

• Define the term "ambidextrous organization." Provide a real life example of an organization that displays ambidextrous behavior. Explain your rationale.


• Rothaermel: Organizational Design: Structure, Culture, and Control

• Kaplan & Norton, "The Office of Strategy Management"

• Tushman & O'Reilly, "Ambidextrous Organization"

2. Change Tools

Option 1

• What change tools have you seen in action? Explain their level of effectiveness. Did these change tools help create short-term wins and was momentum sustained throughout the change effort because these tools were used?

Option 2

• What criteria would you evaluate to decide between Work-Out and Six Sigma in attacking an organization's process problem? Provide examples to support your reasoning.


• Ulrich, Kerr,& Ashkenas, General Electric's Leadership Work-Out

• Plotkin, Six Sigma: What It Is and How to Use It

• Biolos, Six Sigma Meets the Service Economy

• Welch: Voice and Dignity: Every Brain in the Game

• Dias de Lima, "Change Management Toolkit"

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Business Management: Define the term ambidextrous organization
Reference No:- TGS01840085

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