
Define the term how does he define his sense of morality -

Journal : Amazing Grace

I need 1-3 pages, double space.


1. What would you say Wilberforce saw as his terminal value?

Define the term. How does he define his sense of morality - does he share the moral values that brought Britain its wealth? Does he pursue conformity, principled positions of action and thought, - or does he operate by reward and punishment.

2. Discuss Wilberforce's emotional intelligence?

Define the term. Does he use this in Parliament? Discuss the gambling scene - how does he make his point. What skills does he possess?

3. Discuss the scene with his servant in the yard.....what is Wilberforce trying to balance? Does the preacher believe Wilberforce can end the slave trade. What does that say about his world view - that is, his locus of control?

4 .Do you like the film thus far? What did you learn about slavery and the trade of slaves back then?

5. Did you find Wilberforce admirable?

There are two places where I ask you to define the term. If you quote from the book, or refer to the book, please use standard citation.
Example, "Happiness means joy". (Whetten and Cameron, p.70) (This is a made up example).

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Operation Management: Define the term how does he define his sense of morality -
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