
Define the technology that you are researching for example


Objective: Create an Informative MLA Word Report, find Internet reliable resources on a topic, develop a clearer understanding of some component of computer hardware

You are to create a one or two page report on one of the following topics. Selection method of the topics will be explained in this document. You may use online reliable sources for further information. You may do this Discussion in teams of two.

Report Specifications:

• Theme set to one other than Office
• 1" Margins
• Limited to approximately one/two pages
• Insert at least 2 citations

The objective of this discussion is for you to explore one of the topics and provide a discussion for the class highlighting the following:

• What do students need to know about this topic?
• What was something you learned about the topic that you did not know?
• What are future trends for this topic?

Student Topic Selection

Choose a topic from the list on the following pages. Create a thread for this discussion with the name of your topic in the Title. If someone else has claimed the topic, you must choose another topic. If all topics are taken, you may repeat a topic. Remember, you may do this discussion in teams of two.

MLA Report

1. Use the general MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines for formatting a term paper. The MLA style is most commonly used to format papers and cite sources in the humanities.


Margins Set all four page margins to 1"

Spacing Double-space all content including quotations and bibliography

Font and Font Size Use a legible font and font size

Sentence Spacing Leave only one space after a period and before the start of the next sentence

Paragraphs Use the [Tab] key to indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch from the left margin

Header Include a header with your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page

First Page Include each of the following on its own line in the upper-left corner of page 1: your name, the professor's name, the course name and number, and the current date written in day, month, year format.

2. Type the header, then the heading on the first page

3. Type the main body

a. Suggestions for writing the paper

i. Paragraph 1: Define the technology that you are researching, for example what is Nanotechnology?

ii. Paragraphs 2-4: Each of the next 3 paragraphs could be a use for the Nanotechnology. For example, nanotechnology is used in Medicine, Electronics, Fuel Cells. Write a paragraph on each of these uses.

iii. Paragraphs 5 or more: Conclusion, summary, where is this technology going? What is the cost? b.Creating a citation

1) Click on REFERENCE/Citations & Bibliography Group
2) Click on Insert Citation, Add New Source
3) Select the Type of Source

4. References

a. The bibliography should be the last page of the research paper separate from the main body

b. Create your citations first so that when you create the reference page, the citations will be automatically added i. Insert a page after the last page of the research paper. ii.Click on the REFERENCE Tab/Citations and Bibliography Group

1)Make sure the style is still set to MLA iii.Click on the drop down list next to Bibliography and select Works Cited

iv.The reference page should now be created and the reference we just created should now be there

c. Center the word Works Cited on the line and change the style to normal

i. It should now be in Calibri, Black, 11 like the rest of your text
ii. Select the citation and change the paragraph line spacing to double

d. If you add more sources after creating the citation, you will have to click on Update Citations and Bibliography i. How?

1) Click anywhere in the bibliography and you should now see the tab in the upper left corner as shown below:

2) Click on Update Citations and Bibliography each time you add a source or if you edit a source

5. MLA style paper

6. Prepare the report using a word processor BEFORE the class discussion on the date assigned by your professor

a. Save the report as a WORD document as: YourLastNameFirstInitialDisc2Topic

b. So if your name is John Smith and you are doing a report on memory, the file would be named:


c. Save the report again, this time as a PDF using the same name

7. Two students MAY be working together on one topic

a. In class, you will both share your information and compare and contrast the information and write your own conclusion about the topic.

8. Link the PDF version of your report in a message in the appropriate discussion in Blackboard by the date and time specified by your professor

a. This is the SAME linking that was done in the previous discussion
b. For the subject of the discussion, type your assigned topic

9. You should READ through ALL the posts as these should provide you with valuable information about these topics

To receive full credit for this discussion:

• After linking the PDF to Blackboard in the discussion:

o Post to at LEAST TWO students' discussion posts in Blackboard

- Provide positive feedback and additional comments
- DO NOT MERELY post that you liked what the fellow student stated

• It is also appropriate to respond to any student that comments on your discussion
• The idea is to generate a "conversation" in the discussion on this topic
• Your grade will be based on active participation in the discussion in class, the value of the report, the timely posting of the report, the timely responses and the value of your posts

oYour report should be well organized, use correct grammar and contain no spelling errors

- It should accurately answer the questions
- It should also meet the formatting specifications for this discussion oYou are to "add" something to the discussion, not just post generalized comments

Each listed topic contains some further sub-topics to help you focus your report and highlight the important concepts that should be covered for the topic. The sub-topics are just suggestions for your report and may or may not be used. REMEMBER you are trying to explain to your fellow students the important concepts of this topic.


Introduction to the Digital Age

1. Pre-Computer Age

a. Abacus, Jacquard's loom, Babbage, Ada Lovelace, the First Programmer

2. First Generation Computers

a. Vacuum tubes, Assembly language

3. Second Generation Computers

a. Transistors, Fortran, Cobol

4. Third Generation Computers

a. Integrated Chips (ICs), Operating Systems

5. Fourth Generation Computers

a. Large Scale Integration, Structured Programming, UNIX, DOS

6. Fifth Generation Computers

a. Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft, Object Oriented Programming, World Wide Web

7. Digital Divide

a. What is it? Give examples.

Binary Values, Number Systems & Data Representation

8. Binary Values and Number Systems

a. Positional Notation, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal

9. Data Representation

a. Analog & digital data, representing text, ASCII, Unicode, representing audio data, images & graphics, video

Gates & Circuits

10. Gates & Circuits

a. George Boole, Boolean algebra, NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR

11. Transistors

a. Circuits, adders, multiplexers, Integrated circuits, CPU chips

Computing Components

12. Von Neumann Architecture

a. Memory, CPU, ALU, Input, Output

13. Parallel Computing

a. Bit level, instruction level, data level, task level

14. Storage Systems

a. Storage Media & Storage Devices, Random vs. Sequential Access, Logical vs. Physical Representation

15. Memory

a. Cache, RAM, ROM, Flash Memory

16. Buses

a. Definition, Memory Bus, PCI Bus, USB Bus

17. CPU

a. Purpose, Components, System Clock/Machine Cycle

18. Hard Drives

a. Magnetic Hard Drives, Sold-State Drives, Internal vs. External Drives, Hard Drive Speed, Hard Drive Partitioning & File Systems

19. Optical Disks

a. Characteristics, Categories of Optical Drives, Shapes, Sizes & Capacities

20. Flash Memory

a. Embedded Flash Memory, Flash Memory Cards & Readers, USB Flash Drives

21. Other Storage

a. NAS, SAN, Cloud, Smart cards, RAID, magnetic tape

22. Scanners, Readers & Digital Cameras

a. Types of Scanners, Quality & Resolutions of scanners, Types of Readers

23. Display Devices/Printers

a. Characteristics, Flat-Panel Display Technologies, Printer Technology, Types of Printers

24. Tera-Scaling Computing

25. 3D Chips

26. Embedded Systems.

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Computer Engineering: Define the technology that you are researching for example
Reference No:- TGS02461678

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