
define the stages of convaiescenca - nutrition

Define the Stages of ConvaIescenca - Nutrition during Stress?

This period of catabolism and alteration of the hormonal environment is known as the 'adrenergic - corticoid phase'. This is followed by a set of anabolism, which, in the absence of ally postoperative complications, starts 3 to 5 days after a surgery. This 'turning point' from calabolism to anabolism is termed as 'corticoid - withdrawal phase' as there is spontaneous sodium and water diversion, and a reduction in nitrogen excretion, this phase lasts for 1 to 3 days.

The patient then enters a period of early anabolism characterized by positive nitrogen balance and weight gain. Sustained feedings lead to protein synthesis and there is formation of lean mass and return of muscular strength. Then there is a final phase of late anabolism when there is much slower weight gain. There is deposition of body fat and nitrogen equilibrium is achieved.

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Biology: define the stages of convaiescenca - nutrition
Reference No:- TGS0303737

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