
Define the sociological imagination-perspective


In 1959 C. Wright Mills wrote that the sociological imagination is "our most needed quality of mind" in times of widespread uneasiness and indifference to problems facing humanity. If ours is indeed a time like that - of anxieties about global financial troubles, growing inequalities, violence and crime, poverty and discrimination, war and more war, religious fundamentalism and violence, environmental crises and overwhelming strains on families and communities - explain why the sociological imagination can offer some direction through this general malaise. Your essay should include roughly three sections that respond to the three major points below.

In this essay, I expect you to define the sociological imagination/perspective. After defining and grounding the meaning of the sociological imagination in about 1 page (from Dalton Conley's book), provide an example from the textbook or my lectures of a major social issue confronting our society. You may refer to course materials (lectures and films too) to describe this issue. Some examples are: violent crime, sexism, growing class inequality, racism and racial prejudice, recidivism in prisons, slavery and global inequality, climate change, etc.This discussion should involve about 1-2 pages.

Finally, explain how the sociological imagination can help expand our thinking about the social issue you just described. Explain how a sociological perspectives that can help elevate human understanding and inform courses of action to address this issue. Be sure to refer to an example where people, social movements, education, or public policy can address some of our shared problems in society. About 1-2 pages here.

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Microeconomics: Define the sociological imagination-perspective
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