
Define the route summarization addresses for each boston

Cisco Network Proposal

You have been recently hired as a network administrator for the xAcme Technology Trade School. The school realizes that the local systems administrators need help implementing certain technologies at each of the remote locations, as well as final WAN configurations.

Out of the network administrators on staff, you have been asked to move the Cisco Network Proposal forward. With your background and skills, you will design, implement, and assist in configurations to support xAcme's topology.

Technologies to implement will differ from site to site, as administrators have begun topology implementations. You will be provided the overall topology as well as certain device configurations in order to determine the best course of action per site/challenge.

In addition to helping the school configure its network, xAcme requires that all new network administrators obtain their CCNA certification within 60 days of being hired. You are excited about starting this project but realize creating a schedule to help balance your work and home life will be the key to success.

In this learning demonstration, you will use TestOut Routing and Switching Pro (LabSim) to learn how to install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot Cisco Internetworking devices in a small enterprise branch network. LabSim will also prepare you for the CCNA Certification exam.

In order to identify your strengths and weaknesses, you will first complete the CCNA Certification Practice Exam. During the next eight weeks, as you step through each set of activities in TestOutLabSim, you will submit the configurations in three parts.

Use the results of the certification practice exam you took at the beginning of the class to help guide you on which areas within TestOutLabSim you should pay closer attention.

There are nine steps in this effort that lead you through each deliverable. Begin with Step 1, obtaining access to TestOut Security Pro and enrolling in TestOutLabSim, and then continue with Step 2, taking the CCNA Certification Practice Exam.

Part 2 Worchester Subnetting Configurations and Boston Site Protocol, Route Summarization, and Topology Improvement (i.e., Part 2)
Required Implementation: Subnet addressing to accommodate Worchester site

Subnetting: Properly subnet addressing blocks to accommodate the site's VLAN sizes. You will not need to implement VLANs here; rather, you will create the correct sizing to properly accommodate the devices stated per the xACME educational topology.

Carefully consider the challenges faced when structuring subnets too large and/or too small during your design.

The starting Worchester site addressing range is /16 (per the xACME educational topology diagram). Formatting per subnet should follow the format below and should be clearly stated and placed within a table.

• NetID

• mask/CIDR values

• broadcast

• usable range

• No additional device configurations required to complete

Required Implementation: Implement a routing protocol to manage networks within the Boston site topology as well as default routes to exit non-Boston traffic. Summarization addresses should be stated per router in Boston's topology. Consider redundancy upgrades as well and document per topology.

• Routing Protocol: Research the different routing protocol types (distance vector/link state/hybrid) and choose a routing protocol implement (OSPF, EIGRP, RIP).

Justify your selection by defining its strengths and weaknesses. Define the proper addressing block to assign per point-to-point links and implement your solution per all three routers. Routing protocol should be set up in a way to advertise all IP subnets, WAN, and LAN interfaces on a router. Be sure to protect the advertisements of the routing tables as well.

• Summarization: Define the route summarization addresses for each Boston site router. These addresses will not be implemented on the routers, but they will be documented in your response. Each summarization address must be large enough to include all required subnets contained within the underlying site subnets.

• Default Route: Any traffic not matching internal networks will need to be routed outward. Implement default routes on the site routers to exit this traffic.

• Topology: Consider the potential challenges with the current Boston site topology (cabling and redundancy approach). If improvements are needed, update the topology and discuss and routing redundancy approaches you see fit.

• Please refer to the following configurations:

o BostonSiteRouter1

o BostonSiteRouter2

o BostonSiteRouter3

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Dissertation: Define the route summarization addresses for each boston
Reference No:- TGS02531290

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