
Define the role of the school nurse

Assignment task: The Role of the School Nurse and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Purpose: To provide the student with an overview of the essential role the nurse plays in the community as a school nurse with a focus on the present pandemic.

Learning Objectives - At the conclusion of the activity, the student will be able to:

1. Define the role of the school nurse.

2. Verbalize how the role of the school nurse has evolved since its inception.

3. Define the role of the school nurse from the pediatric and public health nurse perspective.

4. Describe the challenges faced by the school nurse as defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

5. Describe the challenges the school nurse is facing during the Coronavirus pandemic.


1. Read the provided articles titled Role of the School Nurse in Providing School Health Services (2016) and School Nurses are Still Providing Medical Care to Students During Coronavirus (2020)

2. Explore the NASN, National Association of School Nurses, website to learn more about the role of the school nurse. After exploring the website, click on Resources, then click on Health and Practice Topics, and then click on COVID-19 and choose a topic or topics that you would like to discuss in your paper.

3. Write a 2-3-page paper including:

Introduction - An introduction stating the purpose of the paper and previews what the paper will discuss.

Body of the paper- Address the following:

  • The role of the school nurse
  • How the role of the school nurse aligns with and overlaps that of a public health nurse
  • Describe one (1) societal, medical, andlegal change that has influenced the need for a Registered Nurse (RN) in the school setting
  • Discuss at least one (1) of the COVID-19 practice topics that you chose from the NASN website
  • The challenges school nursesare facing during the Coronavirus pandemic
  • How your perception of the school nurse's role remained the same or changed after completing this assignment

Conclusion - A conclusion summarizing the main points and significant conclusions of the paper.

4. Your paper should be in proper 7th edition APA format with a minimum of three (3)scholarly references, in addition to the Teen Vogue reference. It is encouraged to use more references as needed to support your assertions made in your writing to address the topics of this paper.

5. Submit your paper in the submission link by the due date set by the clinical faculty.

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