
define the relational operator in c languagethe

Define the Relational Operator in c language?

The Relational operators refer to the relationships that values can have with one another and they are used to compare two operands to see whether they are equal to each other unequal or whether one is greater than other. The result of the relational expression is either one or zero and it is one if the specified relation is true zero if the relation is false and the following figure shows these operators along with their meanings.

Operator            Purpose

<                       Less than

>                       Greater than

<=                     Less than equal to

>=                     Greater than equal to

==                     Equal to

!=                      Not Equal to

Relational expression are meant to use in decision statements such as while and if to decide the course of action of a running program.

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C/C++ Programming: define the relational operator in c languagethe
Reference No:- TGS0304657

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