Define the Process of Choosing the Channel of Communication?
The channel chosen can influence the message and how it is interpreted by the recipient. The following factors can influence which channel we choose :
i) Cost
- consider how much the communication will cost compared to the results expected.
- Is a printed copy important or can it be handwritten.
ii) Confidentiality
- E-mail or fax may not be appropriate
- An internal memo needs to be enclosed in an envelope.
iii) Safety and Security
Registered letter or courier service vs normal post.
iv) Influence
Multi coloured letterheads on high quality paper convey a good image of a company
v) Urgency
Higher cost can be justified against urgency.
vi) Distance
Is the communication within the building, in the same town, or the other side of the world?
vii) Time of the day
This is particularly important when communicating with overseas countries.
viii) Resources
Consider the equipment and staff available
ix) Written record
Carries more authority and is proof of a transaction.
x) Recipient
Relationship between sender and recipient.