
Define the pre- gnosticism that st paul is addressing in

New Testament, Dr. Espinosa, Exam 3 Study Guide

1. This exam covers five books: Colossians & Philemon; Romans; Luke & Acts

2. Like the first two exams, it is worth 14 points

3. Part 1: Know the themes of the above 5 books:
Colossians: "Christ is the Head of the Church"
Philemon: "Be as Christ to One Another"
Romans: "The Gospel is the Power of Salvation"
Luke: "The Historical Certainty and Universal Grace of the Gospel"
Acts: "The Advance of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Rome"

4. Part 2: True and False from the Middendorf text (note: not every single question below will appear on the exam)

a. Colossians and Philemon are examples of what classification of Pauline epistle?

b. Why was St. Paul able to be placed under house arrest, able to receive guests and write letters?

c. Deduction: What made St. Paul uniquely qualified to be "apostle to the Gentiles"?

d. Though we are not 100% certain, where was St. Paul most likely imprisoned when he wrote Colossians and Philemon?

e. Are both these letters written to congregation, an individual?

f. What is Hellenistic Judaism?

g. Does St. Paul seem to address an early form of Gnosticism?

h. What is Gnosticism?

i. Who is Onesimus?

j. What is Philemon's relationship to Onesimus?

k. Christ is the head of the what?

l. What is the weighty and controversial subject matter in Philemon?

m. Did St. Paul abolish slavery?

n. How does the N.T. deal with slavery?

o. Who is the only true master?

p. According to Colossians 1:13, God the Father has delivered us from what specifically?

q. According to Colossians 1:13, God the Father has transferred us to what specifically?

r. Jesus of Nazareth is fully what (in terms of St. Paul's emphasis in Colossians)?

s. Christians are called to live fully in what or in whom? (Colossians 2:10)

t. According to Colossians 2:11-13, what has baptism rendered obsolete?

u. Christ declared all foods what? (Colossians 2)

v. What does "Onesimus" mean?

w. How does St. Paul pun (see Middendorf pg. 177) on the meaning of his name in application to his (St. Paul's) and Philemon's relationship to Onesimus?

x. How is Christ "firstborn"? (Colossians 1:15, 18)

y. Per Colossians 3:3, our lives are now what with Christ in God?

z. Philemon should receive Onesimus back as a what?

aa. In Romans St. Paul is concerned about the relationship between what two people groups?

bb. What was Phoebe?

cc. On what missionary journey did St. Paul write Romans?

dd. Romans is one of the most systematic of St. Paul's letters, what do we mean by this?

ee. Did St. Paul title Romans as "Romans"?

ff. While Dr. Espinosa likes the theme "The Gospel is the Power of Salvation," what theme does Dr. Middendorf recommend for Romans?

gg. Are the words of this theme unique to St. Paul or do they appear in the Old Testament?

hh. Does St. Paul quote the O.T. hardly at all or frequently in Romans?

ii. What is the source of the Christian's righteousness? (don't answer "our faith" or "faith")

jj. What is this "now/not yet" business? (note examples on pg. 184)

kk. According to what does God judge all people?

ll. What is the natural knowledge of God?

mm. Apart from an inner relationship with God through faith, all people stand under what? (bottom pg. 185)

nn. God's commands make people more conscious of their what?

oo. Righteousness comes from God through what? (don't just say "faith")

pp. Jesus is the ultimate mercy seat, blood _______________, or sacrifice of atonement for all who believe (see pg. 186)

qq. Know the three aspects of faith (pg. 187)

rr. "Baptism ends the slavery (now), but begins the battle (not yet)." What is the right message of Scripture: that we are set free from sin or justified from sin?

ss. Does Romans 7 describe an unbeliever or a believer?

tt. "There is no condemnation for those in whom?"

uu. Paul uses "Israel" in two senses. What are they?

vv. Faith comes from hearing what?

ww. How does one come to saving faith? Through their works or through God's call?

xx. God hardens those who ____________ in obstinate disobedience.

yy. God's ultimate purpose is to have mercy on __________ people.

zz. God's people are to conduct themselves as ______________ sacrifices.

aaa. Who establishes the civil authorities?

5. Part 3: Short Answers [note: you may not see all of these on the exam]

a. List the historical order of the captivity letters

b. Explain the difference between "universalism" and the "universality" of the gospel.

c. Explain how the gospel is both inclusive and exclusive.

d. Explain St. Luke's teaching on prayer (four major characteristics).

e. Relate prayer to what I said regarding 1) what God commands; 2) what God prohibits; and 3) what God leaves as adiaphora. When it comes to adiaphora what should be taken into consideration regarding how we pray about adiaphoron?

f. St. Luke has a strong theology on the Holy Spirit. Tell me about the Holy Spirit (you have a lot of flexibility here, but just ensure that it is substantive and accurate). [you may use Middendorf pgs. 235-top of 240 to help you answer this one]

6. Part 4: Essay questions:

a. Define the [pre-] Gnosticism that St. Paul is addressing in Colossians. What is it basically? Elaborate regarding its core elements in terms of it occult teaching, ritualism, asceticism, and worship. Most importantly study Colossians 2 to explain how St. Paul refutes it.

b. Discuss St. Paul's doctrine on the righteousness of God. What is it? Discuss the two major models: legal vs. medical. What is the difference? How do they respectively explain our experience of God's righteousness in our lives? Which model did I recommend to you and why? Furthermore, those who are righteous, what is their ensuing sanctification? What is the difference between "having sin" and "committing sin"? Relate this to the Christian's experience of sanctification according to St. Paul in Romans 6-8.

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