
define the phytate and protein interactionyou may

Define the Phytate and Protein Interaction?

You may be more familiar with phytate's role in mineral absorption. However phytates also bind with starch and protein. Depending on the pH, 2 types of complexes are formed-at acidic pH, a binary protein-phytate complex and as the pH approaches neutrality, a ternary protein-mineral-phytate complex. Strong electrostatic attraction between negatively charged phytates and proteins with a net positive charge results in the formation of protein-phytate complexes. Apparently most such complexes are formed de novo in the gastrointestinal tract. Also phytates can interfere with digestive enzymes and their substrates, thus adversely affecting digestion of dietary protein and increasing endogenous losses of amino acids.

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Biology: define the phytate and protein interactionyou may
Reference No:- TGS0307528

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