
Define the physical border security


Question 1

Summarize your case assignment for sharing.

1. Which threat - physical border security, human trafficking, or narcotics trafficking - is the most important to the nation at this time?

2. How do the other threats impact the way in which we collect intelligence and combat the threats?

3. Is the United States spending enough on collection and analysis?

Question 2

After any response to a disaster, responding agencies and stakeholders will hold an after-action review. This review allows for all involved to discuss and identify successes and failures, and identify how to improve going forward. This discussion will serve as our class "after-action review" for Hurricane Katrina. Discuss some of the public health lessons that were learned for disaster response from Hurricane Katrina. This can include the use of the military, planning, and logistics. Be sure to research and support your discussion with citations from credible sources.

Reflection Question

1. Assignment Expectations:

a. Address concept A and B in about 150 words each.

b. You will be graded on how well you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, and critical thinking pertaining to the applicability of the concept to your professional practice. Points awarded will follow breakdown below.

c. You will neither be required to, nor graded on responses to your peers. One posting will suffice.

2. The Assignment: Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline.

3. Concept A

1. Identify /define

2. Your professional discipline

3. How applicable

Concept B

0. Identify /define

1. Your professional discipline

2. How applicable

I want to do the Reflection on Intelligence Disciplines&Terrorism Liaison Officer.

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Business Law and Ethics: Define the physical border security
Reference No:- TGS02995833

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