Define the Operations of a Public Nutritionist?
A public nutritionist can perform the following:
- In the hospital-based set up, she is a part of the team delivering therapeutic and rehabilitative services to the patient. She is responsible for food service management, nutritional care of the patients including diet counseling and imparting nutrition education to various categories of medical personnel. The Directorate General of Health Services has recommended the appointment of at least an assistant dietician for every 100 bed hospital with progressive increase in their numbers as the hospital beds increase.
- There is a role for the public nutritionist in the national health set up at the centre as the Nutrition Advisor and Research Officer. At the State level, they can function as the State Nutrition Officers.
- The public nutritionist can make a significant contribution in all the programmes of development undertaken by voluntary, non-government organizations.
- At the international level organizations like WHO, FAO and UNICEF provide opportunities for public nutritionists at the policy making, planning and implementation stages.