
define the operating characteristics for

Define the Operating Characteristics for master-slave S-R flip-flop?

1. Propagation Delay Time - is the interval of time required subsequent to an input signal has been applied for the resulting output change to occur.

2. Set-Up Time - is the minimum interval necessary for the logic levels to be maintained constantly on the inputs (J and K, or S and R, or D) previous to the triggering edge of the clock pulse in order for the levels to be reliably clocked into the flip-flop.

3. Hold Time - is the minimum interval necessary for the logic levels to remain on the inputs after the triggering edge of the clock pulse in order for the levels to be reliably clocked into the flip-flop.

4. Maximum Clock Frequency - is the highest rate that a flip-flop can be dependably triggered.

5. Power Dissipation - is the total power use of the device.

6. Pulse Widths - are the minimum pulse widths particular by the manufacturer for the Clock, SET and CLEAR inputs.

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Computer Engineering: define the operating characteristics for
Reference No:- TGS0304364

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